How to get all paid courses for free on Coursera
About Coursera
“We imagine a world where anyone, anywhere, can change their lives by accessing the best learning experience in the world.” Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford professors, Daphne Kohler and Andrew Ng, with the aim of providing learning experiences for anyone. Coursera is now a leading online learning platform, with nearly 6 million learners from all over the world relying on Coursera to learn the skills of the future.
Coursera cooperates with the best universities around the world, and they number more than 200 universities to offer courses in many different fields, in addition to providing accredited certificates and degrees, and thousands of companies trust Coursera to develop the skills of their workers, and Coursera also provides governments and their employees in addition to citizens with skills. required to build a competitive workforce.
Why Coursera?
Coursera is one of the most important online learning sites. Through the site, you can access and register for thousands of different courses for free, where you can play video lectures offered by leading universities and companies such as Google, Yale University, and many others. If you want to learn online, it is Coursera in Arabic is the perfect platform for you, as the site contains more than 4,000 educational courses in many different fields such as medicine, engineering, humanities, business administration, and many others, as there are more than 400 different fields of learning through which you can acquire and practice skills that will enhance your CV CV stands out from others by quickly mastering the skills required for the labor market.
Majors you can study
Any specialization that comes to your mind is available on the Coursera website.
How do you get all paid courses “for free” on Coursera?
After we got to know the importance of the Coursera website, let us now show you the steps to get any course for free:
1- Select the desired course/course.
2- Click on “Financial aid available”.

3- Click on “Continue to the application”.
4- Select the two squares as shown in the image.
5- Copy and paste the sentence as shown in the rectangle.
6- Click on “Continue”.

7- Enter information about your annual salary and academic qualification (it is preferable to put $0 in the fees field).
8 & 9 & 11 – You must write 3 articles that support your admission to the course for free (do not worry, we will provide the full articles at the end of the article)
10- Select “no”.
12- Click “Submit Application”

12- Within 15 days, you will receive an email of acceptance, and the course will start after that.
Note: You can apply for more than one course in this way.