Strengthening Citizen In Sudan – Creative Campus April 2020
Strengthening Citizen In Sudan – Creative Campus April 2020 – Goethe Institute
Camping Guidelines
In 2019 Goethe Institute Joined Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Strengthening citizens of Sudan program, this is aimed to run for 2 years; and Funded by the Dutch Embassy
The Creative Campus is a 5 days Cultural Entrepreneurship intense training organized by Goethe institute as one of the pillars of the strengthening citizens in Sudan program.
The Campus targets early – middle stage creative and cultural entrepreneurs as well as initiative founders, who are looking to further develop their business and innovative skills following a Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship integrated training model.
Upon finishing the Campus; the participants will become part of the creative campus alumni collective, who will have the opportunity to engage in the different pillars of the strengthening citizens of Sudan program, and the potential to acquire further training so as to become facilitators of the Creative Campus themselves.
This Campus is for you if:
You are a cultural/Creative Entrepreneur, or the founder of a creative / cultural initiative who seeks to develop her/his business skills and who wants to learn new creative methodologies of thinking and running an enterprise.
● You are willing to completely immerse yourself in a 5 day intense training.
● You’re a team player and ready to share your business/initiative idea as part of the campus’s learning journey.
● You are motivated to be engaged under the umbrella of Strengthening Citizens of Sudan program and to propagate the learnings you will receive; directly or indirectly.
● You will be conscious of the following Camping Guidelines:
○ Respecting the diversity that will be present amongst the participants, in all aspects.
○ Respecting the Venue of the campus and its staff.
○ Committing to be present at the Campus for the entirety of the 5 days. In case of any emergency, the campus organizers should be contacted.
○ Committing to common sense Safety measures, including not inviting persons from the outside to the campus venue, and keeping within the venue’s premises.
○ Contacting the campus organizers in case of any concerns or emergencies.
Application Deadline: 17 March 2020
Venue: Khartoum, Sudan
Selected participants will be contacted by the end of March