Water Sanitation and Hygiene WASH Course From The Government Of India Ministry Of External Affairs
Organized by
Department of Water Resources Development & Management
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
This course will cover the issues and challenges related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and related infrastructure in the context of tropical public health. In the first third of the course, it will cover drinking water security involving quantity (with appropriate sources), quality (with appropriate treatment options) as well as supply and demand management aspects. In the second third, it will cover sanitation technologies (various types of latrines, sewers, and septic systems), including construction and use. It will also cover wastewater treatment and disposal. In the last third of the course, it will cover hygiene in a tropical context. This includes essential hygiene practices in rural, urban, and peri-urban settings and under conditions of both water abundance and water stress. Additional topics to be addressed will be KAP, MEAL, assessment of current practices, behavior change techniques, etc. The course will emphasize the appropriate use of peer-reviewed literature and critical-thinking skills.
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This training course aims to develop the capacity in Afro-Asian countries to address the issue of Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation in rural and urban areas.
In this training program, a much-required capacity development program is proposed at local and regional levels to address the knowledge and skill gaps in effectively addressing the challenges in the WASH sector. This training program imparts knowledge of the WASH sector to the young field engineers.
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Course coordinator:
Prof. M. L. Kansal Dept. of Water Resources Development and Management Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 247667 (India) Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-1332-285141 (office), +91-9412919302 (mobile) | Prof. Basant Yadav Dept. of Water Resources Development and Management Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 247667 (India) Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-1332-284954 (office), +91-9899286153 (mobile) |
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Course content and schedule:

Participant Profile
Working professionals in the area of water sanitation and hygiene.
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To develop the capacity in afro Asian countries to address the issue of water hygiene and sanitation in rural and urban areas.
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From 25-Aug-2022 to 27-Aug-2022
The expected outcome of the course:
At the end of this training course, participants will understand the issues related to water, hygiene and sanitation. Further, the course also designed to introduce advanced technology in wastewater treatment and reuse, Water distribution systems and Sanitation facilities.
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Eligibility conditions of the participants:
Participants working in the area of Public health, water supply, and Wastewater Treatment are eligible to apply.
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Resource Persons:
Experienced faculty members from various departments/centers of IIT Roorkee and other reputed institutions/agencies/industries will deliver lectures and coordinate laboratory exercises.
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About the Indian Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee has its roots in the Roorkee College established in 1847 as the first engineering college in India, which was soon rechristened as Thomason College of Civil Engineering in 1854 after its mentor James Thomason. After about 100 years of distinguished services, the college was elevated to University of Roorkee on November 25, 1949 as the first Engineering University of the independent India. On September, 2001, the University was converted into an IIT by the Government of India. It has now 21 academic departments/centres offering 11 undergraduate courses in engineering and architecture, 5 dual degree programmes in engineering and about 50 postgraduate courses in engineering, architecture, sciences, computer applications and business administration besides research programmes at doctoral level. The IIT Roorkee has a highly qualified and motivated faculty of about 460 members who are engaged in research and consultancy in addition to teaching. The faculty members offer their expertise through consultancy services to private/public sector agencies as well as to Government agencies. The institute has 4472 undergraduate students, 2093 postgraduates and 1471 research scholars. There are a number of academic and research centres engaged in interdisciplinary research, and many collaborative programmes exist with institutions in India and abroad. Several central facilities exist such as Central Library having more than 4,00,000 volumes of books and periodicals, Information Superhighway Centre with internet connectivity, an Audio Visual Research Centre with full-fledged television studio, a modern Computer Centre and Institute Instrumentation Centre with highly sophisticated analytical instruments. The IIT Roorkee is fully residential, having well-designed hostels (Bhawans) both for boys and girls, and family accommodation for married students, sprawling sports ground, a modern swimming pool, boat club and a host of students clubs with facilities for different games including tennis, squash and billiards. Societies and Associations along with activities like NCC, rangering and roving, mountaineering and trekking all of which provide excellent opportunities for self-development. The campus also has a modern school for children education.
Institute address: ROORKEE
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About ITEC
The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme was instituted by a decision of the Indian Cabinet on 15 September 1964 as a bilateral programme of assistance of the Government of India. The decision regarding setting up the ITEC programme was predicated on the underlying belief that “it was necessary to establish relations of mutual concern and inter-dependence based not only on commonly held ideals and aspirations, but also on solid economic foundations. Technical and economic cooperation was considered to be one of the essential functions of an integrated and imaginative foreign policy.
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The ITEC Programme is essentially bilateral in nature. However, in recent years, ITEC resources have also been used for cooperation programmes conceived in regional and inter-regional context such as Economic Commission for Africa, Commonwealth Secretariat, UNIDO, Group of 77 and G-15. In more recent years, its activities have also been associated with regional and multilateral organizations and cooperation groupings like Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC), African Union (AU), Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), Pan African Parliament, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), World Trade Organization (WTO) and Indian Ocean Rim – Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) and India-Africa Forum Summit.
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The ITEC Programme, fully funded by the Government of India, has evolved and grown over the years. Under ITEC, 161 countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean as well as Pacific and Small Island countries are invited to share in the Indian developmental experience acquired over six decades of India’s existence as a free nation. As a result of different activities under this programme, there is now a visible and growing awareness among other countries about the competence of India as a provider of technical know-how and expertise as well as training opportunities, consultancy services and feasibility studies. These programmes have generated immense goodwill and substantive cooperation among the developing countries.
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